4 types of visuals your sales page needs – and where to get them

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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Earlier, I shared the 9 elements you need to have on your sales page. Once you’ve written your sales page, it’s time to make it pretty – and irresistible to your ideal clients!

These are the visuals you need to include on your sales page:

1. Photos of you

Show your reader you’re a real person. At the very least you need a photo in the Introduce Yourself section, but you can also use these for background images and as feature images throughout your sales page.

2. Stock photos that align with your offer and message

Use these for background images and as feature images throughout your sales page.

You likely don’t want to buy great photos for every single blog post or build a sizeable image library. But you also definitely don’t have the funds to take the risk of being sued for using copyrighted photos. Do NOT get your photos from Google Image Search.

Here are 13 sites to get beautiful free stock photos for your sales page, to use around your site, or for great promo graphics.

13 sites with free stock photos for your sales page

  1. Barn Images
  2. Burst
  3. Fancycrave
  4. FreeImages
  5. Kaboompics
  6. Pexels
  7. Picjumbo
  8. Picxclicx
  9. Pixabay
  10. Vecteezy
  11. Public Domain Archive
  12. StockSnap
  13. Unsplash

Where to get gorgeous, premium stock photos for your sales page

I love Styled Stock Society which has a membership filled with gorgeous photos, but also offers free photos when you sign up for their e-mail list.

If you prefer to buy one-off photos or photo packs without a membership, Creative Market has a huge amount of photos for every niche.

3. Icons

Use these when outlining what lessons and modules are included in your program or any specific tools and resources they will get when they purchase.

My favorite resources for icons:
Free: IconsDB
Premium: Creative Market

4. Product mockups

These show the reader a preview of what your program looks like and what they can expect once they purchase. People love to see inside of the membership site and workbooks, and it helps show them the quality of your product. You can easily create product mockups in Canva.

My favorite resources for product mockups:
Free: Canva, PlaceIt.net
Premium: Creative Market


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— Erika Vieira, YouTube Coach

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